Western educational institutions over the last half century have presented as proven fact (ipso facto) Neo-Darwinism or the synthetic theory of evolution. It briefly states that the earth is approximately four to seven billion years old, and life began spontaneously some 3 billion years ago and then evolved through the process of random genetic mutation and natural selection into the complexity and variety of all plant and animal life today. This relatively new composite theory is based upon numerous theories over the last 200 years, each of which leaves many unanswered questions. The “Big Bang Theory” attempts to offer astronomical cosmogony as the origin of the universe without explaining the origin of the original primal matter. The “Abiogenists Origin of Life” on this planet supposes a spontaneous synthesis of self-replicating molecules without presenting a non-living mechanism that drives the formation of the first self-replicating cells in a primordial soup. They postulate that a process, labeled as “emergence,” is the result of the laws of nature and the flow of energy through a system while ignoring the second law of thermodynamics. They formulate that life emerged during the “late heavy bombardment” period of earth’s primal history when no oxygen was present in the earth’s atmosphere. Rock-eating cyanobacteria spontaneously appeared and evolved into photosynthetic bacteria which released oxygen into the atmosphere as a by-product of metabolism. This shielded the earth’s surface from ultraviolet rays from the sun allowing life to further evolve. Basic molecules of sugar, lipids and amino acids had to be formed by chance then organize themselves by chance to form a cell which had a membrane with an ability to metabolize and duplicate. Random gene mutation requires impossibly numerous generations to achieve the theoretical evolution of one species to another as computed by mathematical probability over inconceivably long periods of time. There are serious flaws in the uranium-lead and potassium-argon radiometric dating methods that cannot explain the isotopen percentages from radioactive decay and are only effective on volcanic rock. They only measure the amount of supposed decay product and not the actual process. Similarly, radiocarbon decay methods of dating first proposed by Willard Libby in 1949 contain many inconsistencies and suppositions that raise serious questions about its accuracy and are subject to debate. Geological evidence suggests that the earth’s continents were once together in a single large land mass, but continental drift and other theories do not satisfactorily propose a mechanism that can withstand scientific analysis. Uniformitarian Geology shows a remarkable consistency between “assigned age” and thickness of sedimentary deposit despite widely varying conditions. Fossils were used to date sedimentary rocks. There have been no transitional types discovered to support the theory that one species evolved into another but rather fossil remains have been interpreted along evolutionary classification lines using homology and phylogeny as supportive evidence. The whole process of fossil formation is highly debatable and has never been observed. Many fossil samples are impossible to explain in the context of geological time. Why are some species completely unchanged for hundreds of millions of years? Artistic renditions of some species have been based upon a single bone and the artist’s imagination to create a drawing that is impossible to verify.
Naturalists and philosophers of the early 18th century attempted to explain natural phenomena and the origin of species from a different perspective than traditional creationist religious doctrine. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck proposed the doctrine of inheritance of acquired characteristics and believed man was descended from other species (law of progressive development). Later John Ray, a taxonomist, based upon the work of Carl Linnaeus proposed a “prima specie” (original species). Charles Lyell wrote “Principles of Geology” in 1830 proposing Geological Time. This theory allowed millions of years for changes to take place. Charles Darwin proposed a mechanism (survival of the fittest) incorporating the results of experiments performed by Gregor Mendel and his observations from the voyage of the Beagle to formulate his theories in “Origin of the Species” (1859).
Scientific theory does not recognize any divine existence or spiritual laws operating in the universe (only empirical data). Geological dating is a commonly accepted practice of “harmonization of conflicting dates,” meaning discarding anomalous (unexplainable) samples. The existence of identical evolutionary outcomes in isolated environments is the strongest possible indication that random mutation and natural selection are incapable of explaining the origin of the species. It maintains an empirical viewpoint and states that any and all religious belief in a creator is false and man-made. Some creationistic scientists propose that God created the heavens and the earth and then random processes evolved life as we know it today (theological evolution).
It is not the purpose of this manuscript to exhaustively refute all of the aforementioned scientific theories but rather to recognize the intellectual climate prevalent today. The following pages will present scientific, anatomical and physiological facts as evidence along with Biblical and historical facts to prove the divine origin of man. This is a unique and revolutionary spiritual, philosophical and psychological perspective which is the direct result of a divine insight and revelation.
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